Dear members,
Obtaining the award for Competent Communicator is easy enough. Let us (myself included) now reach higher for the advance series.
Moving forward together...
President Charlotte
There are 15 manuals, each containing five speech projects. Many of the manuals are career-oriented. You choose the manuals you want to complete and the skills you want to learn. Working in the advanced manuals, you’ll refine and enhance your speaking skills and become eligible for several awards:
Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB)
To be eligible for this award, you must have:
- Achieved Competent Communicator award (or achieved Competent Toastmaster award)
- Completed two Advanced Communication manuals
Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS)
To be eligible for this award, you must have:
- Achieved Advanced Communicator Bronze award (or achieved Able Toastmaster award or Advanced Toastmaster Bronze award)
- Completed two additional advanced communication manuals (may not be those completed for any previous award)
- Conducted any two presentations from The Better Speaker Series and/or The Successful Club Series
Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG)
To be eligible for this award, you must have:
- Achieved Advanced Communicator Silver award (or achieved Able Toastmaster Bronze award or Advanced Toastmaster Silver award)
- Completed two additional advanced communication manuals (may not be those completed for any previous award)
- Conducted a Success/Leadership, Success/Communication or a Youth Leadership program
- Coached a new member with the first three speech projects
By the time you earn the Advanced Toastmaster Gold award, you will have completed six of the available Advanced Communication Series manuals and will have learned many valuable speaking skills.
~ taken from TI website ~
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