17 JULY 2012


Grand Bluewave Hotel, Johor Bahru

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



The Youth Leadership Development Workshop is based on the belief that every young person has the potential to become a good communicator and leader, but the potential needs to be developed. The programme's unique design enables participants to develop this potential through practical experience. Participants learn speaking and leadership skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. They learn to:

• overcome the nervousness everyone feels when asked to speak before an audience
• organise and present their ideas logically and convincingly
• listen carefully to others' ideas
• offer advice that will help others improve their speaking and leadership skills
• participate in and even lead group discussions or meetings

(click on the image for clearer view)

It will be an experience worth going through, and skills to equip you for the rest of your life!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Self Confidence

Self confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your wits.

Your perception of yourself has an enormous impact on how others perceive you. Perception is reality — the more self confidence you have, the more likely it is you’ll succeed.

Do you think highly of yourself?

It has been said that if you treat yourself well, the world will treat you even better. Remember, you are a beautiful person in your own unique way. And you are valuable, worthy and lovable.

Confidence is knowing you are special, unique and individual. Confidence is holding your head up high and walking with your shoulders and back straight - whether or not you know all the answers.

Optimism is a major KEY in being confident.

Telling yourself, "I am beautiful" or seeing a situation with optimistic thoughts, will help you to increase your confidence in bad situations.

How others look at you or what they say about you, is not yours to bother about. A positive way of looking at it, is to know that you are NOT like them who think poorly of others.

Hence, let's look at ourselves in the mirror and see how great a man or woman you are!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Building Strong Towers

Meetings are a time where new ideas can be obtained from one another. A place where we learn and where we teach.

Optimism and Positivity.

It builds you up in a world where criticism is a way of life.

Here, at MIM Toastmasters Club, we build high-rised buildings - strong enough to withstand typhoons and earthquakes.

Some pictures of our previous meetings.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

MOONing over Mid-Autumn Festival

Themed meetings are always fun and interesting.

Our Toastmaster of the Evening (TME), CTM Doreen, made it an excellent time for all of us. She linked 'moon' to refer to the actual moon and not only for lanterns and mooncakes.

TME - CTM Doreen!!


Lanterns were ALL OVER the room, making it colourful and bright.

Table Topics Master

Happy birthday to you... May this year be the BEST of the BEST!

Our club's latest addition: TM Steven

Thursday, September 17, 2009

With Love... From our Club's President

Fellow Members ,

It was a wonderful night on last Tuesday 15 September 09, credit to our organizing chair cum vice president of education who has made the club level humorous speech and evaluation contest run smoothly. Laughters always come together with humorous speaking . One cannot be deny that all the contestants in the contest were quipped the incredible skills who make the meeting lively and full of fun. On top of these, the evaluation contest was conducted within the planned time frame and all the contestants had presented constructive, beneficial and yet simple evaluations.

It is my pleasure here to congratulate our award winners and contestants , you have really made a difference and done a very good job . Our club is proud of your achievement and appreciate your endeavor to prepare such a meaningful speech. On the 4th of October at Cheshire home, ours club champions and 1st runner ups will represent our club to take part in the contests for area A4.

For the club members who missed the great chance to witness and enjoy the contest, the following consists of the names of the award winner in our club level contest.

Humorous Speech Contest
1. TM Charlotte Goh - Champion
2. ACB Jason Kum - 1st Runner Up
3. IPP CC Simon Tan - 2nd Runner Up

Evaluation Contest
1. ACS Harold Angus -Champion
2. ACB Jason Kum - 1st Runner Up
3. IPP CC Simon Tan - 2nd Runner Up

Fellow members who missed the chance to participate in the contest, please do not be disappointed . There is still ample of program on the way, my team and i will keep you all updated .

Warmest Regards
President of MIM TM Club of JB
Glenn Koh

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MIM TM Club Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest

Humour is to make people laugh. Humour is to cause people to feel good and happy.

A contest is not only to see who is the funniest of them all, but to also compare and challenge oneself with others.

Hence, your result is to see who can make the audience laugh the MOST.

Welcome to MIM Toastmasters Club of Johor Bahru's Humour Speech and Evaluation Contest.

Our Organising Chairman - the one and only CC Ee Jun Wai.

Following the humourous speeches, we had the evealuation contest, where we had our test speaker Yvonne from Sacred Heart Toastmasters Club to help us with the evaluation contest.

Kudos to the Champions!

Humorous Speech Contest:
Champion: TM Charlotte Goh (Kids Talk)
1St Runner Up: ACB Jason Kum (My Midlife Crisis)
2nd Runner Up: IPP CC Simon Tan (Why I Joined Toastmasters)

Evaluation Contest:
Champion: ACS Harold Angus
1st Runner Up: ACB Jason Kum
2nd Runner Up: IPP CC Simon Tan

Some pictures of the lovely evening:

IPP Sleeping?

ATB Victor Lim giving his Evaluation Speech
ACB Jason Kum wow-ing us with his midlife crisis (?)

Our own President with his humorous speech on 'Examinations'. An experience indeed, he confessed.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Neck Problems Solved!

A doctor advises his patients to exercise their neck by just reading this message.

In the end, all patients go home happily without asking the doctor for any medications. 'It is very effective,' said the doctor. 'All my patients never come back to me again.'

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Division A - News Updates


The following message is sent to all Club, Area and Division Officers of Division A.
Please share it with your club members.

Dear Club Officers,

Following are the latest updates on Division A Blog:

TRIM (Toastmasters Recruitment IRDA Malaysia)
Date: 12 August 2009, 8.00pm
Venue : IRDA Office, Danga Bay
Speaker : Area A3 Governor Yip Koh Choon, ACB
Do be there to support and encourage the participants from IRDA in the spirit of Toastmasters!

Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests 2009
Yes, it's the season for Contests again.
A list of dates for Contests of various Clubs, Areas and Division levels is posted on the blog. More dates will be posted soon.
If you want to announce or promote your Club Contests, email details to TMD51DivA@gmail.com.
For the organisers of respective Contests, do refer to TI website should you need to research on various aspects to the Contests. To view the latest edition of the Contest Rulebook, click here.

Photos of Division A Events : June - July 2009
A photo gallery of pictures taken during various Division A events throughout June and July 2009 is available on Division's Web Album (http://picasaweb.google.com/TMD51DivA). Or visit Division A Blog for a sneak peek!

Let's shape our future together.

Best Regards,
Tan Eng Suan, CC, ALB
Division A Public Relations Officer 2009/2010
Email: TMD51DivA@gmail.com
Division A Blog: http://TMD51DivA.blogspot.com

You received this message because you are included in "Toastmasters International District 51 Division A" mailing list.
You can visit our page at http://groups.google.com/group/TMD51DivA?hl=en


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Whom or What

The story goes like this. . . . . . .

A man was polishing his new car..., his 6 yr. old son picked up a stone and scratched on the side of the car. In anger, the furious man took his child's hand and hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench.

At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures.

When the child saw his father, with painful eyes he asked:

'Dad when will my fingers grow back?'

The man was so hurt and speechless. He went back to the car and kicked it many times. Devastated by his own actions, sitting in front of the car he looked at the scratches; his son had written:


Next day, that man committed suicide.

Remember, Anger and Love have no limits . . .

Always remember... "Things are to be used and people are to be loved"

But the problem in today's world is....

"People are being USED & Things are being LOVED"

Let's make a difference today.

Our Meeting No 379

"Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."
Doug Firebaugh


Our 379th MIM Toastmasters Club Meeting today was, as always, a great success.

With two guests and a visiting toastmaster in our midst, we were able to share 2 hours of quality time although we did not have the quantity.

Toastmaster of the Evening, was our CC Kenny Koh who made did a good job of making everyone feel welcomed.

Two of our toastmasters wore two hats this evening:

ACC Jason Kum as General Evaluator and 'Ah' Counter.

IPP Simon Tan was SAA and Humour Master.

The MIM Toastmasters Club provides a positive environment for individuals to pick up multiple skills. Some of them include:

1. Taking up last minute appointments for meetings;
2. Wearing two hats;
3. Organising meetings;
4. Organising events;
5. Leading a group of people;
6. Opening a cake box prettily;
7. Eating and talking at the same time;
8. Encouranging and motivating one another.

With such skills, everyone will be able to hold their head up high and say proudly, "I am a Toastmaster"!

Some pictures of the evening...

Our TME, CC Kenny Koh, Chartered President ATB Victor Lim and specially invited evaluator ATM Mohd Awee.

Our TME with his very friendly face.

The one and only speaker of the evening was, yours truly, with the speech title of "Un-Earthly Actions". The speech was for Project 7, Research Your Topic, and was about being green and environmentally friendly.

Our August birthday boy, President Glenn Koh. How old is he? (Ask him!)

My evaluator for the evening, ATM Mohd Awee. Thank you for your contributions!
And he also won the Best Table Topics Speaker for the evening too.
Well worth the trip, right?

Therefore, a big round of applause to all who came today!
And to our two guests, Becky and Ryan, we hope you enjoyed yourselves, because we enjoyed having you there today!

See you on the 18th August!


"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."
Napoleon Hill

Friday, July 31, 2009

What do YOU command?

We always unconsciously recognise a leader.

When strangers are thrown into a group, a leader will always emerge.

Many books and articles talk about CHARISMA in a leader. I personally don't think charisma is a necessity in a leader. It's a 'good to have', but not an essential part of a leader.

Leaders command respect. Followers will automatically respond to leaders who command respect. They will say that there is an 'aura' about that person to attract and entice people to listen, to agree and to follow.

I do not believe that leaders are born. All leaders are forged like a sword, from raw metal into a beautiful piece of workmanship, through fire and water and a lot of knocking around. The intensity of the fire and knocking may differ, but the results are the same - a strong character is formed.

A character that commands respect from people around him or her. A magnetic force that automatically turns into charisma. Assertive yet gentle. Forceful yet thoughful.

What qualities do we think of when we think of someone with such a character?

I can come up with the following three:

1. Confidence
2. Far-sightedness
3. Trustworthiness / Honesty

Other qualities such as communication and delegation are, to me, 'good to have' qualities.

I can imagine a leader who does not say very much. But when he does start to say something, everyone keeps quiet to listen, because what he has to say makes sense and it gives direction and purpose.


In every society, we look for a leader. We look for someone to be at the head of the line.

The parent-child at home. Your manager or supervisor at work. Your spiritual leader. The President or Prime Minister of your country.

It is an in-built function that we are born with. Hence, all of us are followers, and only some of us will be leaders.

Being a leader is a choice.

In a group of strangers, landed on an island and the only way is to obtain everyone's help to built a boat to escape the island - someone will eventually have to speak out to give instructions to the others. If the others are desperate enough to leave the island, they will follow the instructions.


What do people see when they see you? What is the first impression you give them?

Do you command respect or do you just command?


by Charlotte Goh

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

International Night Meeting 28 July 2009

With the help of fellow toastmasters, balloon decorations were put up and good tasty food was prepared.

The meeting was an international success!!

We had ACB Jason Kum give his speech about 'Staying Positive'! It was simple yet inspiring, yet humorous.

Let's have a picture speak a thousand words...
Which means that if we have about twenty pictures, they will be shouting out TWENTY THOUSAND words!

Club President, distracted by camera...

Our Table Topics Master, IPP CC Simon Tan, with various saying regarding "Friends".

ACS Harold Angus being given the topic from one of those colourful balloons on the wall.

CTM, ALB Lucy, always animated and passionate in all she does.

CC Ee Jun Wai, the 'handsome' one, giving his take on table topics.

Fun and laughter during our meetings - a definite MUST during all our meetings.


Awards were given out to the Best Toastmaster of the Term 2008/2009 and Best Mentor.

IPP CC Simon, had gifts prepared for his exco, which he handed out personally to each one.
The support of a good team to build an excellent leader!

An appreciation gift was also given to Immediate Past President CC Simon Tan, for his contributions to bring the club to greater heights during his term.

They are all holding pieces of paper to spell "MAKING A DIFFERENCE!".
Our club's new theme for 2009/2010.
(click on picture to see the words)