We always unconsciously recognise a leader.
When strangers are thrown into a group, a leader will always emerge.
Many books and articles talk about CHARISMA in a leader. I personally don't think charisma is a necessity in a leader. It's a 'good to have', but not an essential part of a leader.
command respect. Followers will automatically respond to leaders who command respect. They will say that there is an 'aura' about that person to attract and entice people to listen, to agree and to follow.
I do not believe that leaders are born. All leaders are forged like a sword, from raw metal into a beautiful piece of workmanship, through fire and water and a lot of knocking around. The intensity of the fire and knocking may differ, but the results are the same - a strong character is formed.
A character that commands respect from people around him or her. A magnetic force that automatically turns into charisma. Assertive yet gentle. Forceful yet thoughful.
What qualities do we think of when we think of someone with such a character?
I can come up with the following three:
1. Confidence
2. Far-sightedness
3. Trustworthiness / Honesty
Other qualities such as communication and delegation are, to me, 'good to have' qualities.
I can imagine a leader who does not say very much. But when he does start to say something, everyone keeps quiet to listen, because what he has to say makes sense and it gives direction and purpose.
In every society, we look for a leader. We look for someone to be at the head of the line.
The parent-child at home. Your manager or supervisor at work. Your spiritual leader. The President or Prime Minister of your country.
It is an in-built function that we are born with. Hence, all of us are followers, and only some of us will be leaders.
Being a leader is a choice.
In a group of strangers, landed on an island and the only way is to obtain everyone's help to built a boat to escape the island - someone will eventually have to speak out to give instructions to the others. If the others are desperate enough to leave the island, they will follow the instructions.
What do people see when they see you? What is the first impression you give them?
Do you command respect or do you just command?
by Charlotte Goh